Work from home as a Laundry Pro and earn up to $6000/month

Poplin welcomes service-and-detail-obsessed people into a career as a Laundry Pro. It’s the perfect gig for a domestic diva (or divo) who takes pride in their work, but wants to be home.

How it works
  • 1

    Sign up & learn

    Once you create an account you’ll have access to our best practices videos and a 10 minute getting started guide.

  • 2

    Accept the jobs that you want

    We’ll alert you to jobs in your area and guide you through your first order. It’s always up to you when you work.

  • 3

    Pick up, launder, return - repeat

    Start turning laundry piles into perfection (and cash). Wash, dry, fold, and return the next day.

Earn a living
on your terms

Laundering at Poplin is flexible and supports your earnings goals. Go all-in or pick up a load here and there to cover an expense.

  • Average earned by our top 10 Laundry Pros

  • Average earned by our top 100 Laundry Pros

  • Earned By You


Starr H.

Laundry Pro since 2021

“Working from home has always been a dream of mine.”

Ashley M.

Laundry Pro since 2022

“I love the flexibility of working when I want. I can save up for a vacation and not have to worry about getting time off work to actually go!”

Mindy F.

Laundry Pro since 2022

“I love being a Laundry Pro because it allows me the flexibility and time to be the mom I want to be!”

At home but never alone

Whether fabric care is woven into your DNA or you’re looking to refine your folding techniques, Poplin launderers join an active community of over 20,000 people sharing tips and tricks of the trade every day.



Want to know more?
  • Poplin is available nationwide in over 500 cities across the U.S.

  • To create an account you must be 18 years old, eligible to work in the U.S., and have a way to pick up/deliver orders. You’ll also need to upload a photo of your driver’s license, enter your social security number, and consent to a background check. You’ll have access to our best-practice videos and can start earning right away.

  • That's up to you! You're the boss. As a contractor on Poplin you choose whether or not to accept orders, and set your radius for receiving order notifications.

  • You need a smartphone, access to a washer/dryer, a mode of transportation for pickup/delivery, and a few household items you may already have:
    • Laundry detergent
    • Clear bags (to pack folded laundry)
    • Labels (to adhere to your delivery bags)
    • A simple bathroom scale to weigh the finished laundry

  • It depends on how many orders you accept and how big they are! Pay is calculated based on the weight of finished laundry. The pay for Standard (next-day) service starts at $.75/LB of laundry completed plus tips. The pay for Express (same-day or overnight) service starts at $1.50/LB of laundry completed plus tips.
    The average earned per order is about $40. There is a minimum per order for customers, so you'll always earn at least $15 (plus tips) per order.
    Our top Laundry Pros earn over $6000/month. The average for the top 100 Laundry Pros is about $2500/month. Many Laundry Pros gig part time and earn to save for a vacation, pay a particular bill, or contribute to a college fund.